I show entrepreneurs who have always been labeled "too much"... how to use it as a super power to build a life and business
that sets their world on fire.
Masterful Christian Life Coach Certification
.... now enrolling until 10/29/2021.
Go here to get the deets and apply.

Morning Calibrations
My FREE no-fluff workbook for setting up your day and slaying your goals.
This is the same workbook I give my paying clients... and it's yours for free.
My gift to you.
Ever been told you're a little...."too much"?
Perfect. Then you're definitely my people.
I'm here for the rebels, for the seekers of truth, for the square-peg-in-a-round-hole thinkers, for the pushers of boundaries, for the challengers of the status quo....
The ones who have always been labeled "too much" and "not enough" at the same time.
Being too much is not a problem, it is your SUPER POWER. And I'm gonna show you how to rewrite your story, and start walking in exactly who God made you to be.
So that you can light up your world and the world around you.
But you're still watering yourself down a little bit. You're trying to be you, but you find yourself showing up as the lite version of you.
Well, allow me on my superhero cape and I'm on my way.
My super power is showing you exactly what's standing between you and using your gifts to build the life or business you want, the impact you wanna have and the income you want to make.
How do we do that?
Its a beautiful, glorious and soul-freeing process....
- We dig into all your old beliefs and thoughts patterns that are keeping you stuck, personally or professionally.
- I then show you how to separate the truths from the lies, the made-up thoughts from the facts. So that you can break free from feeling like a slave to your story and feeling stuck in your life or business.
- I show you how to reframe your thoughts and beliefs, so that you can own your brilliance, gifts and purposes.... and stop playing small. All those invisible barriers that have been keeping you stuck in your life and business, you will start seeing them fall down. Quickly.
- This phase will be your growth phase. I give you all the support you need as you elevate to new heights in your spiritual, personal and professional life. You're going to begin to soar and we will be meeting regularly to continue to reach everything God has for you. This is where you really begin to rock your life and your business.
- And finally... we begin to rewrite your story. We have spent our time together breaking out of the boxes that have been keeping you closed-in and stuck... and are now building new foundations that support the woman and the life God has anointed you for.
Whether we are digging into life or business (or both).... you do not have to spend another day feeling lost, confused, stuck, stagnant, overwhelmed or crazy!
You WERE anointed for this life, and you WERE anointed for your business.
God is not a God of confusion, and that bus stops here!!
I have been anointed to be that prophetic voice that can clear up the confusion and overwhelm, and speak life into your life or business.
Feeling stuck? Let's get you unstuck.

Snag A Copy of
My E-Book
Business Blueprint:
A God Girl's Guide to An Authentic Business
- How Belief in Yourself & Your Offer is The Cornerstone of A Profitable Business
- The #1 Tool For Showing Up Like A CEO And Not A Woman With A Hobby
- How Marketing Courageously Will Bring Clients & Customers Knocking Down Your Door
- The Blueprint For An Authentic Business That Reflects You
What Clients Are Saying:

"In my time working with Whitney, I started learning how to get over the fear of self. I was able to start letting go of what others think and say about ME. And I started setting boundaries with family, friends and even myself. Gave myself permission to say NO and earned to let go to LIVE. I have started to create a plan to move forward with my new business."

"Coaching with Whitney has helped me show up for myself with CONFIDENCE. This has impacted all areas of my life and has changed my business dramatically. When I started showing up behind the chair and in my marketing from a place of self-integrity, I started attracting clients who valued my services and were happy to pay premium prices. On top of that, I felt free to truly SERVE them because I no longer felt undervalued."

I have been working with Whitney for a little over a year and I can honestly say I’m not sure where I would be without her. When we first met I was merely surviving my days until I could crash at night. I truly felt stuck! Funny enough Whitney held an Unstuck course and I signed up, that’s where I began to really learn how to take my thoughts captive through biblical principles. And correcting my thoughts and changing the way I show up in the world. Changing my view on fear and people pleasing and now working on identity being placed in the right place. Whitney makes me dig deep and pushes me to find answers and ask the hard questions and to feel and process the hard emotions.